100 Days Project

Day 1/100: Shadow


"Love picks out the beauty in you."

It was night time when I got home and I was thinking of what I should do for my first day. Since I can't make use of daylight, I took the opportunity to make use of shadows in the night.

It is achieved by a paper doily with a heart shaped cut-out, my hands, and the torch function from my iPod Touch. And of course, some Photoshop. :)

Day 2/100: Flowers


Simple things like flowers make me happy. The beauty, the sweet scent, the details.

Picked up some fresh flowers this morning. Loving the sweet floral scent when I was arranging to take this picture!

Day 3/100: Mixed Media


"Love is Patient."

Pink glue textured with a layer of fine sand, a little flower from a Wrightia Religosia Bonsai plant (a.k.a. Water Jasmine/'Sui Mui'), and a broken piece of bark from an old tree.

Day 4/100: String


Lettering with a string, a wooden table, and all things natural.

Day 5/100: Leaf


"Love is kind"

Written on a leaf, with a leaf. No pen involved.

Nature is so good at being itself. So pure, so original, so natural. It reminds me once in a while to go back to basics. And it's amazing what the basics can do.

Day 6/100: Pieces of a Leaf


Bits and pieces of Love. "Spread the love!"

I took a leaf, broke it into pieces, and put it together to form the heart shape. It was definitely a little unwilling for me to crush this beautiful leaf that was picked out and brought home for me, but the outcome is definitely beautiful and worth it!

Day 7/100: Nature


"Love makes beautiful things."

A continuation to yesterday's leaf heart - added other leaves and all things nature!

Day 8/100: Hands + Origami Heart


"Love gives"

Pay it forward is something I got to know about through the movie around 2 years ago, and I absolutely loved the idea! Today, a friend of mine had been blessed by not having to pay for a toll as the person in front has paid it for her. Feeling encouraged and so motivated, I challenged myself too! So I bought drinks for 2 person without telling them, and folded clothes for my mother when she was out. Two simple acts of kindness, but definitely is something! :)

Day 9/100: Pen Nib + Paint


"Love always Trusts" - 1 Corinthians 13:7

First time trying to use paint instead of ink for my pen nib - worked out better than I thought! Loving the watercolor effect it gives. :)

Day 10/100: M&M's


"Life is sweeter with You!"

I love M&M's. And many times, life is sweeter because of the special people around you - life's little blessings. :)

Day 11/100: Pigeon Feather + Watercolour


You never know what a simple "hello" could do!

Found a pigeon's feather on the road today, so I picked it up and drew some words with black watercolour paint I mixed.

Day 12/100: Brush Pen


"Hold my hands"

Played with a calligraphy brush pen and did a rough sketch of the shadow of two hands.

All artwork + content © The Maker Jess unless stated otherwise. All Rights Reserved 2014. View terms of usage here.